Redefining the
Goal of Education
In this talk, Dr. Kevin J. Fleming advocates for a shift in metrics and mindset towards holistic career development and essential skill mastery for all - in alignment with each learners' personality, passions, professions, and purpose. This includes recognizing every building block of learning as valuable, blurring the walls of the classroom, and becoming facilitators of work-based learning. Dr. Fleming’s TEDx is an invitation to like-minded educators, parents, students, and legislators to join in this change.
What Educators say about the talk
The story behind the TEDx
Over the years, I've graced many stages (live and virtual). Perhaps our paths crossed in one such moment - a shared space where ideas sparked, conversations flowed, and my message resonated with you, leading you to seek further connection with me online, on social media, and here on my website.
While I've stood on numerous platforms, the grandest one, TEDx, wasn't initially on my horizon. For years, I didn’t aspire to record a TEDx Talk. Why? Because the essence of my message, I believed, spoke directly to us as educators, counselors, institutional leaders, and the dedicated staff shaping the future within educational institutions. In my mind, TED Talks were for “them,” and I wanted to focus on equipping “us.”
Over the past year, the significance of this stage and its mission has grown within me. I've come to realize that our mission extends beyond the walls of our institutions or supporting organizations. We can’t do it alone. Our shared mission should touch everyone we encounter, leaving a lasting impact shaped by our dedication to students' journeys, how we measure their progress, and how we toil to prepare learners for life beyond our immediate influence.
The truth is that preparing for the TEDx stage prompted intense reflection. What should be the focus, and how could I use the red carpet to gain support for our programs? They only allow 18 minutes on stage. What single idea could the audience carry away as a beacon of inspiration?
After weeks of exploring different angles, a transformative shift occurred. Yes, I stand on the stage, but the message is a collective one. It is a chorus of voices echoing my two decades in education, as well as your struggles and successes.
I chose to amplify our shared hopes, dreams, disappointments, and the urgent need for change. My story is not mine alone; it mirrors the countless stories woven into the fabric of our shared experiences as educators. It's the daily uphill battle we've fought for decades, pouring our energy, resources, and lives into a cause sometimes obscured by challenges and bureaucracy.
The time has come.
Our story must become everyone's story - the world's story. It is time they see inside our classrooms and inside our hearts. We need their help. We need our voices to resound and where better than the TEDx stage to amplify our collective plea. It is time to truly change the trajectory of every student and community we serve.
Join me, and together, let's propel our message to every corner of the globe.
As you know, my commitment extends beyond mere words to actionable change. I am not a speaker - I am an educator. My mission is not just to increase understanding and support for our mission, but to empower and equip others. Yes, the ‘why’ is important, but the ‘how’ is more vital. That’s why in addition to trainings and keynotes, I have also developed books, animation videos, lesson plans, posters, and even masterclasses. It has always been important to me to create the necessary tools to help us enact change wherever we stand. So, true to form, this TEDx talk is no exception.
I've created for you more than a mere conversation starter; but also a comprehensive implementation manual. This companion resource is not just about opening the dialogue; it's a guide to actively implementing transformative change in your educational sphere. Watch the TEDx talk. Like it. Comment on it. Share it. Then also download the guide to take a significant step toward translating inspiration into tangible progress.