Animation is a powerful medium. By combining relevant statistics, powerful narrative, and engaging motion graphics, it keeps people’s attention and ignites discussions in Board rooms and dining rooms. It democratizes information and increases understanding.
I have produced nearly 100 viral animation videos, including Success in the New Economy, which simplify otherwise complicated messages about the labor market, education, and career readiness. I am always humbled when my videos are used in starting presentations, workshops, conferences, or convenings helping to frame the topic in an engaging way.  But one question always arises: Other than posting the video on a website or sharing it on social media, how else should we get the message out there?
Over the years, I have identified 10 best practices to maximize the impact of (animation) video dissemination to help communicate our shared message broadly and effectively.
1. Website Integration: Embed the video on your website or landing pages to increase engagement and encourage visitors to explore further.
2. Article or Blog Posts: Write an article or blog posts that complement your video, providing additional context, insights, and a call to action. Post the article on social media, including Linkedin, on both your personal and/or organizational pages.
3. Press Release! Revise your article/blog into a Press Release about the video and your services. Who knows, it might be a slow news day and you may make it into local newspapers or local TV channels.
4. Email Marketing: Utilize your email list to share the video/article/blog/press release with your contacts and stakeholders. Share it at least three times, two-months apart.
5. Influencer Collaborations: Personally ask key influencers in your community to share your video/article/blog/press release with their contacts and email lists to exponentially expanding your reach regionally. This should include school districts (parents), staff at higher education institutions, Chamber of Commerce personnel and members, City staff, etc.
6. Cross-Promotion: Share your videos across multiple social media platforms (personal and organization accounts) to reach different audiences. Always be sure to link back to your landing page.
7. Gorilla Marketing: Explicitly ask your members, employees, and partners to share it on their social media accounts (personal and organizational). Make it easy for them to copy/paste what you want them to post (both the link and any preceding text).
8. Teacher Aide: Write an announcement that teachers can read to their class prior to showing the video. Include 2-3 discussion questions they can ask after the video. Provide the script and easy-to-type video hyperlink to local educational leaders. Ask them to share it with their teachers for broader dissemination.
9. Paid Advertising: Consider using paid ads on social media platforms to target specific demographics within your community to increase visibility.
10. Community Engagement: Be sure to periodically check for any comments provided on the video platform (or ensure alerts are set) and respond to their questions or feedback promptly.
Of course, this is not an exhaustive list. I would love to hear from you: What other innovative strategies have you tried to help get your videos out into your communities?