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There's A Hat For That

 Scholarship Challenge

Application Deadline:
Monday, April 22nd, 2024

"There's A Hat For That!" Curriculum Challenge

Fleming Research International is thrilled to announce a unique scholarship opportunity for early education students. The purpose of this initiative is to foster creativity and innovation in education by inviting participants to create replicable lesson plans based on the inspiring book, "There's A Hat For That!"

This scholarship is not just about the prize money (up to $600); it's a platform to contribute to the educational community, share innovative teaching methods, and inspire the next generation of students and educators to explore careers earlier to help students’ live their purpose! Embrace the challenge, unlock your creativity, and be a part of shaping the future of early career exploration! 

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I'm happy to present you with the There's a Hat for That Coloring Book. It's digital, it's colorless, it's FREE to download, print & share. It brings the same joy of discovery as the physical book plus adds the great benefits of the coloring experience:


- Stimulates Creativity
- Helps Develop Focus
- Encourages Self-Expression
- Encourages Patience and Relaxation
- Boosts Confidence


It's yours. My gift to you and your little ones (aka Big Fans).

by Kevin J Fleming PhD

The story behind "There's a Hat for That"

We often ask children, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”


This question implies there should be one fixed answer. But it is more likely that children will experiment with many occupations and explore multiple careers throughout their life.


At all ages, children show interests, abilities, gifts, and unfulfilled potential. Observing these subtle signs and encouraging exploration towards activities that align with their personality will point them towards satisfying and meaningful careers.


In There's a Hat for That!, children and adults alike will delight in the melodic rhymes and colorful illustrations of monkeys exploring different careers, trying on hats until they find the perfect fit.

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